Elizabeth McColloch

Discover What Matters

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798989849710
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Elizabeth Ann Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Do you long for a meaningful college experience?
Many of us enter college with this desire but get caught up in our culture's obsession with achievement-and the stress and anxiety that accompany it. In this exhausting race for success, it's easy to forget that a fulfilling life is one brimming with meaning, hope, and love.
Instead of hustling toward future success, what if we could learn to savor the beauty in our present life? Instead of comparing ourselves to others, what if we could forge our own path with courage and confidence? And instead of curating our image, what if we could receive the gift of being known and loved as we truly are?
As a resident assistant, Elizabeth encouraged her residents to get honest about their beautiful desires and make decisions that aligned with their values. Now she wants to do the same for you. In this heartfelt book, Elizabeth invites you to discover what matters to you so you can embark on a purposeful college journey. As you read, you will:Discover meaning by infusing intention into your classes, career search, routines, and everyday decisions.Discover hope by seeking support, perspective, and healing when you are feeling overwhelmed by challenging circumstances.Discover love by developing relationships rooted in trust, compassion, and grace.

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