Ellen Brown


125 Specialty Ice Creams from the Nation's Best Creameries. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 076244231X
EAN 9780762442317
Veröffentlicht Mai 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Running Press Adult
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
11,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Home-made ice cream recipes that capture the flavors you remember and the artisanal flair of today's boutique creators? Scoop is a photo-packed guide to making and enjoying ice cream right at home.
Scoop reinterprets more than 150 classic recipes for home-made treats, carefully constructed for use with today's most popular freezers. Including a celebratory introduction, take a tour through Vanilla with VerveFor the Love of ChocolateFor the Kick of CoffeeLighter Fruity FreezesLaced with Liquor And so much more including gelatos, sorbets, and toppings In addition, fascinating profiles throughout Scoop introduce the ice cream connoisseur to two dozen of today's best artisan dairies and shops -- their histories and their best treats -- all with mouth-watering photographs to inspire your own creativity.


Ellen Brown is a versatile and respected author and recipe developer. She gained national limelight more than thirty years ago as the founding food editor of USA Today, and is the author of more than thirty-five cookbooks, including Scoop, Mac & Cheese, Soup of the Day, and Donut Nation. For the last six years she has written a popular weekly column for the Providence Journal, and profiles of her have appeared in the Washington Post, Coastal Living, and the Miami Herald. She lives in Providence, Rhode Island.

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