Ellyn Oaksmith


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201216948
Veröffentlicht Juli 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Ellyn Oaksmith
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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"So freaking brilliant that I stayed up until 3am reading (and pointing and laughing) at it." - KindleObsessed.com
"Fun, hilarious, witty and charming! - Seduced by a Book
Molly wants love, she just doesn't want attention. She's going to get both.
Molly Gallagher thrives on staying in the background. As Diner X, Molly is Seattle's anonymous restaurant critic. But when a surgeon gets his charts mixed up, Molly wakes up with unwanted breast implants.
Then they start talking.
Is she having a nervous breakdown? Probably. But the voices, Max and Louise, are sharing a lot of good advise. Even if they bicker like two kids with one Popsicle.
Before Molly can have the implants removed, she's dating a rich charmer and flirting with a quirky artist. Her suddenly fast-tracked career is making her a local celebrity.
But Molly's new life exposes the reason she became so reclusive, a revelation that frees Molly to finally fall in love.
Join Molly on an outrageous adventure where a little madness reveals your inner hero, saves you from your past and drops you into the love of a lifetime.


Ellyn Oaksmith writes funny fiction with twisty plots. She's the USA Today bestselling author of the young adult novel, Chasing Nirvana (2017) and 50 Acts of Kindness, Family Secrets, Funny is the New Sad and Adventures with Max and Louise. Mr. Montana, her short story is part of Killer Beach Reads.
Ellyn lives in Seattle Washington with her family where she spends as much time as possible in or on the water or with her nose in a book.

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