Emma Beckett

You Are More Than What You Eat

Science, Nutrition, and a Perfectly Imperfect Approach to Eating. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 304 Seiten
ISBN 0648619052
EAN 9780648619055
Veröffentlicht 30. Juli 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Pantera Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
8,65 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Our relationship with food is broken, but Dr Emma Beckett is here to help us repair it.
This is not a diet book, but it is a book about your diet, your life, and how food fits into it all.
In her sassy, and straightforward style, Dr Emma Beckett takes her extensive research qualifications and applies them to our everyday lives. She shows us how and why food choices, eating, and biology are not as simple as diet culture suggests. By embracing this complexity, we can empower ourselves to make changes that suit our unique lives and biology. Ditch the guilt that comes with trying to follow simple rules don't actually work, along with the pressure to be perfect.
Part manual, part memoir, part manifesto, You are more than what you eat puts the person back at the heart of nutrition. Informed by a scientific evidence base, this is the perfect antidote to misinformation, and the weight loss industry. This book will teach you to embrace the complexity of your body and your life, reject the lure of simple slogans, and heal your relationship with food.


Dr Emma Beckett loves food - food & nutrition science, food fashion and eating food. You can find her in the lab, classroom, media, buried in the latest scientific literature, or on social media. Emma regularly appears in print, online, on radio, television and social media. Her aim is to empower people to interpret food and nutrition information so that they can make informed choices about food without fear or judgment. She combines her deep and diverse education, with degrees (including a PhD) in biomedical science, food science, nutrition science, science management, and epidemiology, experience as a university academic, industry researcher, and research fellow, communication experience and her passion to provoke thought, change and action. She has won several research and communications awards, including being named as a NSW Young Tall Poppy in 2017. She collects food-themed dresses and earrings, and loves football, cats, and Agatha Christie.

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