Emma Hooper

Etta and Otto and Russell and James

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0241003350
EAN 9780241003350
Veröffentlicht Januar 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
8,99 inkl. MwSt.
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'Writing that easily equals that of the Booker-winning Richard Flanagan...[and] as readable and gripping as any thriller.' - The Times
I've gone. I've never seen the water, so I've gone there. I will try to remember to come back.
Etta's greatest unfulfilled wish, living in the rolling farmland of Saskatchewan, is to see the sea. And so, at the age of eighty-two she gets up very early one morning, takes a rifle, some chocolate, and her best boots, and begins walking the 2, 000 miles to water.
Meanwhile her husband Otto waits patiently at home, left only with his memories. Their neighbour Russell remembers too, but differently - and he still loves Etta as much as he did more than fifty years ago, before she married Otto.


Emma Hooper is the author of Etta and Otto and Russell and James. As a musician, her solo project 'Waitress for the Bees' tours internationally and has earned her a Finnish Cultural Knighthood. She is also a research-lecturer at Bath Spa University, in the Commercial Music department, but goes home to cross-country ski in Canada as much as she can afford.

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