Emma Specter

More, Please

On Food, Fat, Bingeing, Longing, and the Lust for "Enough". Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 208 Seiten
ISBN 0063278391
EAN 9780063278394
Veröffentlicht 9. Juli 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Harper
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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An unflinching and deeply reported look at the realities of binge-eating disorder from a rising culture commentator and writer for Vogue.
Millions of us use restrictive diets, intermittent fasting, IV therapies, and Ozempic abuse to shrink until we are sample-size acceptable. But for the 30 million Americans who live with eating disorders, it isn't just about less. More, Please is a chronicle of a lifelong fixation with food—its power to soothe, to comfort, to offer a fleeting escape from the outside world—as well as an examination of the ways in which compulsory thinness, diet culture, and the seductive promise of “wellness” have resulted in warping countless Americans' relationship with healthy eating.
Melding memoir, reportage, and in-depth interviews with some of the most prominent and knowledgeable commentators currently writing about food, fatness, and disordered eating—Jennifer Weiner, Marisa Meltzer, Virgie Tovar, Leslie Jamison, and others—Emma Specter explores binge-eating disorder as both a personal problem and a societal one. In More, Please, she provides a context, a history, and a language for what it means to always want more than you'll allow yourself to have.


Emma Specter (she/they) is an author and journalist living in Los Angeles. Emma currently works as the culture writer at Vogue, where she covers film, TV, books, politics, news, and (almost) anything queer; they have previously worked at GARAGE and LAist and have freelanced for outlets including The Hairpin, Bon Appétit, them, Hollywood Reporter, and more. More, Please is her first book.

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