Emre D. Blake

The Sirtfood Diet: The Complete Beginner's Guide For Rapid Weight loss and a Healthy Life. Includes Delicious Recipes to Activate Your Skinny Gene and Everything You Need to Know About Sirtfood Diet

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393892485
EAN 9781393892489
Veröffentlicht Juni 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Emre D. Blake
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
6,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Are you ready to lose weight, but do not know how? Are you entirely dedicated to learning how you can be healthier than ever, but realize that you are lost on the details? If so, then keep reading.
The Sirtfood Diet makes it easier than ever to lose weight without sacrificing muscle mass, and without having to give up on everything you love. Red wine and dark chocolate are two of the approved items on the list for the Sirtfood Diet, meaning that you can still partake in the foods and drinks that you find enjoyable.
Currently sweeping across the world, this diet was designed to tap into the fat-burning power of the sirtuins, the proteins in your body that are responsible for a wide range of tasks and jobs that keep your body functioning and your metabolism running. They are highly important and it turns out, they may be the key to weight loss if you know how to activate them just right. How do you activate them, you may ask? With the Sirtfood Diet, of course! If you are ready to get started, then this is the book for you.
The Sirtfood Diet exists in phases-the first phase involves calorie restriction and pushing the consumption of a green juice to help activate these sirtuins. The second phase involves eating three meals per day, every day, along with some of the green juice. What foods are sirtfoods, you may ask? Foods like dark chocolate, red wine, coffee, blueberries and strawberries, arugula and kale, and more are all approved for the Sirtfood Diet.
If you are ready to get started, then pick up this book. You can expect to find information about how you can understand the Sirtfood Diet. How the Sirtfood Diet helps you to lose weight, and more. You will also be provided with many different recipes-breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, and even a few decadent desserts that are all approved with this diet. In particular, you will discover:
• What the Sirtfood Diet is, where it came from, and why it is so popular, including information about the creators
• What the Sirtfood Diet can do for your body to help it stay healthy
• How the Sirtfood Diet can work for you
• A list of some of the most commonly accepted sirtfoods and how they are able to benefit the body
• How you can get started on the Sirtfood Diet yourself
• A guide with several different recipes for all meals
• Treats that you can enjoy
Don't let yourself feel bad about your current weight anymore. It is time for you to get your body into the shape and size that you want it to be. All you have to do is get started. Diets can be daunting and overwhelming, but you can do it. You can succeed, and this book will guide you through it all. If you're ready, then we can get started today. All you have to do is scroll up, click on BUY NOW and start reading to discover the secrets of the Sirtfood Diet and how you, too, can begin to lose weight with ease!

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