Rise of Bardolatry in the Restoration - Enrico Scaravelli

Enrico Scaravelli

Rise of Bardolatry in the Restoration

Paratexts of Shakespearean Adaptations and other Texts 1660-1737. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 1.
pdf eBook
ISBN 3035109133
EAN 9783035109139
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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This book explores from a new perspective the adaptations of Shakespeare in the Restoration, and how they contributed to the rise of the cult of the National Poet in an age where his reputation was not yet consolidated. Adaptations are fully independent cultural items, whose paratexts play a crucial role in the development of Bardolatry; their study initially follows seminal works of Bakhtin and Genette, but the main theoretical background is anthropology, with the groundbreaking theories of Mary Douglas.
The many voices that feature the paratexts of the adaptations and the other texts, such as those of John Dryden, Thomas Betterton, William Davenant, Nahum Tate, John Dennis, and many others, create a composite choir where the emerging sacrality of the cult of the Bard was just one of the tunes, in an age when Shakespeare has not yet become Shakespeare.


Enrico Scaravelli is an independent scholar from the University of Florence in Italy, where he graduated in Foreign Languages and Literaures in 2004 and achieved a PhD in English and American Literatures in 2009. His main topics of interest are Shakespeare, the Anglo-Italian cultural exchange, and the paratexts of the Early Modern English drama.


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