Erica R. Stinson

Smothered(A Domestic Thriller)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223643432
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Erica R. Stinson
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

In the shadow of a mother's love lies a darkness you never imagined...
Kaden Jacobs embarks on an unexpected visit to meet his girlfriend's mother, anticipating a warm welcome. Yet, Lila's mother, Florence, radiates an eerie aura, leaving Kaden unsettled in her presence.
Florence's possessive hold over Lila is suffocating, casting a sinister air whenever Kaden attempts to fit into their world. But as Lila's demeanor regresses under Florence's influence, Kaden unearths a chilling secret lurking within their home.
With a sense of impending doom after a harrowing incident jeopardizes Lila's safety, Kaden races against time. He discovers that Florence's dark intentions threaten not only Lila's life but his own. In a high-stakes quest for the truth, Kaden must confront the malevolence concealed beneath Florence's facade before it's too late.


Hi there!
I'm Erica R. Stinson, a suspenseful and fast-paced thriller author, known for the NYPD Detective Millicent Harvey series and the Doctor Oliver Perritt series.
My love for writing is only surpassed by my love for cooking, knitting, gardening, playing chess and video games, and spending time with my niece, Gianna.
I used to own Gigi Cake Shoppe, but I closed it in 2017 to focus solely on writing. I am a lifelong New Yorker, residing on the East Coast, and you can stay up to date with my latest work by signing up for updates.
You can also connect with me on social media:
Instagram (@authorericarstinson)
Twitter (@authorericarsti)
Facebook (Authorericarstinson)
I invite you to enjoy "Succession", a free short story from the world of Oliver Perritt, simply by clicking the following link:
My books, "The Doctor", "Mirror Mirror" and "Shelter" are also still available. And while I have taken down the Detective Millicent Harvey series for re-editing and re-branding, don't worry, she'll be back!

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