Eve Rabi

Payback - Ever Loved Someone So Much That You Would Kill for Them? Romantic Suspense - Love, Lust, Revenge

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1524243582
EAN 9781524243586
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Eve Rabi
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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When Arena's car is stolen with her toddler in it, she points at Tom, her abusive and vengeful ex-husband. He had promised to make her pay for daring to leave him. He is behind the theft - she is sure of that.The police investigate, then look to question Bear, her kind and caring, undercover cop boyfriend, who adores both her and her children.Trouble is, Bear cannot be found.In fact, according to the police, Bear's comrades, he does not exist!Arena's whole world begins to tilt. Who does she believe? Who does she trust?If you've enjoyed Sleeping with the Enemy, if you enjoy emotional romance, peppered with suspense, you will be hooked on this gripping romantic crime and suspense thriller about revenge, retribution and the kind of love that can make you kill.Read the book that has been downloaded more than 300 000 times. Free for a limited time.....................Reviews:"I've read this book four times.""This is a love story more than anything else, and it was funny too!""Excellent, held my attention, eager to find out what Arena would do next.""Brilliant! Felt real. Wanted to know more.""Revenge can be soooo sweet! Loved it!""A cracking good read, has elements of a thriller, although it does contain some sweet romance.""A great story, beautiful romance and funny!""Wow! Rabi does it again. Fantastic, but disturbing.""One of the best books I have ever read! And it was a free book too!""Best contemporary romance I've ever read. One minute I was in tears, the next minute I was laughing out loud. I went on to download more books from this author.""Just a few pages in and I was so hooked, I even considered sneaking it into the cinema whilst the kids were watching their film!"

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