Felix Bongjoh

Quiet Shadows Scream

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 258 Seiten
ISBN 1490794999
EAN 9781490794990
Veröffentlicht Mai 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Trafford Publishing

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A people with the common identity of belonging to Southern Cameroon (Ambazonia) are at the brink of annihilation by the dictatorial regime of La Republique du Cameroun. This book of poetry primarily deals with the torture and death suffered by the Ambazonian people. With a prologue about the cliff at which the people now dangle and struggle and an epilogue about the people's resolve to resist any subjugation, the book also offers, as usual, poems about life and death in general, but it focuses primarily on the intense torture and brutal murder suffered by Ambazonians in their struggle for independence from a neighboring country of equal status. Most of the poems dwell on the physical and psychological suffering of a people resisting subjugation.


Felix Bongjoh, currently living in Boston, Massachusetts, is an International Human Capital Development Consultant, who previously worked for an international organization for some 30 years. In addition to the present thirteenth book, Quiet Shadows Scream, Bongjoh has published 12 previous books of poetry as follows: (i) Chorus on a Bridge; (ii) Broken Gloss of Bliss; (iii) Nightfall at Dawn; (iv) When Dusk Hoots; (v) Weeds of Jewelry; (vi) Season of Flowers; (vii) The Ineluctable Spin; (viii) Gloom's Sprout of Love; (ix) Spectrum of Zephyrs; (x) Whistles in the Wind; (xi) The Sun Still Glitters; and (xii). Cliff of Sirens

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