Frank W. D. Röder

THE ROEDER PROTOCOL 3 - Basic knowledge - Typical problems - Solution options - Modus operandi - Optimized walking - Remobilization of the hand - PB-COLOR

From wheel chair to walking through self-training - Therapy to overcome the spastic hemiparesis after a stroke - In daily life integrated application as a continuous improvement process - The leading practice book for the own training. 3. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 244 Seiten
ISBN 3844875670
EAN 9783844875676
Veröffentlicht August 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Books on Demand
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Basic knowledge - Typical problems - Solution options - Modus operandi
From wheel chair to walking through self training Therapy to overcome the spastic hemiparesis after a stroke
In daily life integrated application as a continuous improvement process
The newest developments: WalkAide system, Saeboflex training, Lokomat and proven conventional training machines like Gallileo and practice with the Ellipse-trainer; the essentials in brief; Experiences in the general public.
The new edition is based on the former editions "DAS ROEDER PROTOKOLL" and "THE ROEDER PROTOCOL 2". The new edition is editorial tightened and concentrates upon the nuclear subject, completed with the chapters: "Basic knowledge - Typical problems - solution options - Modus operandi" The pictures of the exercises are imaged greater. The movement phases are thereby better recognizable also for readers with visual impairment.
The leading practice book for the own training of stroke survivors
The book describes the successful fight against the results of a stroke, the development of a practically oriented therapy and the exercises which lead to the success.
The book is directed as a matter of priority at stroke patients with motor deficits. It contains a comprehensive practice share. The exercises are documented with photos, are described in detail and commented. All exercises are integrated into the daily life. Therefore, they can be well carried out in parallel with the physiotherapeutic treatment or as a long-term application in the way of the own training up to the extensive or complete remission.
The Roeder therapy concept, a comprehensive therapy for overcoming the spastic hemiparesis after a stroke as a continuous improvement prcocess (CIP): Elements of the therapy concept: 24 hour management * integration of all exercises in the daily routine * elements of the Bobath concept * modified Feldenkrais exercises * modified Tai- Chi exercises * Motomed training * IMF therapy, intension steered Myofeedback * training program * standardized own training-plans with about 50, with the respiration synchronized exercises, stretch and movement exercises. *PMR, progressive muscle relaxion to Jacobson * support of the adult neuro genesis after Kempermann * support by drugs in accordance with the guidelines of the AWMF * test of the drugs and adequate dosage patterns *use of aids to the enforcement of more correctly "Postural sets."


Röder Frank, Dipl. Ing. Architekt DWB, a.o. M. BDA, Finanzpräsident a.D., geb. in Ludwigshafen/Rh., Neusprachliches und naturwissenschaftliches Gymnasium, Frankenthal, intensive Beschäftigung mit Malerei und Grafik, Kunstausstellungen im In- und Ausland,1958 Bronzemedaille Paris-Colombes, Titelgrafiken für eine Buchreihe beim Belz-Verlag, Auslandsstudienaufenthalte, Austausch mit der École polytechnique, 1959 Abitur, 1959- 60 Grundwehrdienst, Heeresoffiziersschule Hannover und Pionierschule München, Ausbildung im Sprengen, Behelfsbrückenbau und Straßenbau,1960 Studium der Architektur an der Universität (TH) Karlsruhe, parallel zum Studium Mitarbeiter bei freien Architekten,1970 Diplom der Fachrichtung Architektur an der Universität Karlsruhe, ab 1970 Tätigkeit als Architekt, Amtsvorstand, Ltd. Baudirektor 1985-88 Rechnungshof Baden-Württemberg, 1995 Finanzpräsident, Leiter der Staatl. Liegenschafts- und Bauverwaltung und Vorsitzender der Kunstkommission B.W. für den Landesteil Baden, 2003 Leiter des Landesbetriebs Bundesbau B.W. und Vorsitzender der Kunstkommission Bundesbau B.W., 2004 nach Schlaganfall tätig als Autor, Publikationen: Unser kulturelles Erbe Schlösser+Gärten.."

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