G. A. Aiken

A Tale of Two Dragons

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 1420133535
EAN 9781420133530
Veröffentlicht November 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Zebra Books
9,49 inkl. MwSt.
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First in the "hot, hot" and humorous fantasy series from the New York Times bestselling author of the Scarred Earth Saga (Library Journal).
Braith of the Darkness likes going through life unnoticed. Not an easy task for a She-dragon of royal descent. But the evil plots of her father are turning her quiet, boring life upside down, and she has now become the enemy of the most vicious queen her kind has ever known. But for once, Braith won't have to fight alone. Not when the warrior dragon of her dreams is willing to risk everything to save her neck.
Addolgar the Cheerful wishes he could say he's helping the pretty royal strictly for honorable reasons-but he'd be lying. It's not his fault, though! He didn't tell Braith of the Darkness to have the most delicious tail he's ever seen! Yet before Addolgar can get his very strong claws on that tail, heads are going to roll. Just hopefully not theirs . . .
Praise for the Dragon Kin Series
"Aiken's patented mix of bloodthirsty action, crazy scenarios and hilarious dialogue have made this series a truly unique pleasure."-RT Book Reviews (4- Stars)
"A chest thumping, mead-hall rocking, enemy slaying brawl of a good book."-All Things Urban Fantasy
"Laugh-out-loud funny-I loved it!"-Thea Harrison, New York Times bestselling author


G.A. Aiken

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