G. Lewis Bauman


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1370885997
EAN 9781370885992
Veröffentlicht September 2017
Verlag/Hersteller G. Lewis Bauman
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Though this offering of a 28th amendment to the US Constitution may appear as arrogant, brazen, and too monstrous in size to be viable, a start has to be made somewhere. Our beloved country is racing toward economic, social, and military collapse. Citizens must rouse themselves from their stupor and seek answers to the following:
The nation's political beliefs drift aimlessly this way and that, defined as they are by terms that are devoid of hard and fast meanings, such as conservative, liberal, left wing, and right wing etc. Is it possible for political understandings to be less ambiguous than the terms used to describe them? Where is political bedrock? Shouldn't our political believes, some of the most important we have, rest on a firm foundation? How much do we really understand about politics?
The US government has run uninterrupted deficits for a mind-numbing procession of decades and has issued and continues to issue, mountains of debt certificates that everyone understands are hopelessly beyond repayment— yet not a word is spoken about bankruptcy. Are we a nation of fools to think we can remain prosperous as we sink deeper and deeper into a sea of unpayable debt? Where is reality? Where is sanity?
The Federal Reserve steals the interest on our savings from us and we do nothing! Why are we so docile in the face of this obviously criminal institution? Where is our rage? If a gun wielding thief-in-the-night did the same, would we not be enraged? Whatever happened to the biblical commandment Thou shalt not steal?
A huge body of convincing evidence demonstrates the 9/11/2001 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition, while the government maintains they were brought down by crashing airplanes and fires. Where are our investigative reporters? Where is integrity, commitment, and duty in the mass media industry.
As difficult a task as it may be, US citizens must open their minds to their nation's sordid behavior and leadership as well as their own sorry understanding and lack of responsibility at the voting booths. Truly informed people search the internet for unfiltered news, and read books written by studious investigators who fearlessly and diligently pursue the truth. They attend seminars and support those who are building truth coalitions. When choice warrants, they do not hesitate to vote for third party candidates.
Unrestrained currency printing and debt accumulation, criminal leadership, an irresponsible electorate, mindless wars, and aggressive policies foreign and domestic, cannot go on forever without ruinous consequences. Surely, in the not too distant future, the United States will find itself on its knees. War may explode in our home territory. A whole population of savers, investors, and retirees, will see their wealth disappear in the dust of collapsing fractional reserve banks and investment houses, and tens of millions in our beloved country will find themselves staring destitution and death in the face.
Our military activities around the world will be severely disrupted. Disengagement from our numerous wars is bound to be messy. Indeed, thousands upon thousands of military personnel, and vast stores of munitions and military hardware, including nuclear warheads, may be suddenly stranded abroad, with no working means of either protecting them, or bringing them home.
Great advances have been made in economic and political theory since the Constitution was set to paper. These advances are not reflected in its pages, and its brevity is such that it fails to provide citizens with the knowledge they need to defend it from crippling abuse by those in power.
This book will provide remedies and pave the way toward a more promising future for all. It will provide common citizens with a means of wringing the criminality out of their government and placing it back on the path of reality, honesty, integrity, and sanity.


I am a ninety-one-year-old retired avionics technician. My specialties were troubleshooting and repairing, and things had to work when I signed off on them. That has been my approach to the things I write about. I identify problems, make repairs, offer additions, and construct workable solutions. I have also been a life-long student of the Austrian school of economics, have read many hundreds of relevant books and papers, and have attended numerous Austrian economic seminars. It is my firm belief that no one can understand how a democratic government should be structured without a working understanding of this most rigorous though least popular school of economic thought. In tandem with my studies, I have watched over many decades and with great dismay, our government's descent into its present state of madness. My humble writings are my contribution to a hoped for future United States marked by peace and prosperity, and free of government, banking, corporate, mass media, military, police, and voter corruption. I live in an assisted living facility in Edina, MN.

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