Gabriel Woods

The Golden Age Dawns (The Golden Age Trilogy, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201420697
Veröffentlicht April 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Gabriel Woods
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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A deadly virus the Black Marbella spreads like wildfire across the world.
"A classic tale of good versus evil, The Protector lending an almost Biblical dimension to the lives of an array of interesting characters as they take the reader across the globe in search of resolution." Lissa Oliver Bestselling Author


I am Gabriel Woods, author of The Golden age Trilogy and four other books including Easter Rising 1916 A Family Answers the Call for Ireland`s Freedom. My latest novel is The Golden Age Evolution, view Facebook Books by Gabriel Woods. I researched and described in my novel The Golden Age Dawns how a serious pandemic manifests and the proper international public health procedures used to control an outbreak such as in my novel the Black Marbella virus sweeps across London and the world. Covid international policy and how Covid has manifested differs widely from the proper public health procedures used to control virus outbreaks. I have obtained a Degree in Psychology and a Masters in Aid work Management from University College Dublin, a Certificate in Counselling from University Maynooth in Ireland and I am a fully trained life coach. I have travelled around the world and lived in Sydney and Brisbane in Australia. I explored major sacred places and the spiritual practices of aboriginal culture and the Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim ancient sites of India. I am the author of nine published books and my very popular positively reviewed The Golden Age Trilogy.

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