Gabriella Korösi

The Eastern Washington Scablands. The Way, I Saw Them Through My Rite of Return.

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224789290
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Dancing Elephants Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,49 inkl. MwSt.
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By Rick Allen
Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi's book opens with a promise of an engaging journey that blends adventure, personal transformation, and ecological philosophy. She takes us through her transformative experience in the Eastern Washington Scablands with Veteran Rites, a nonprofit aimed at helping veterans through community engagement and connection with nature. This journey is a narrative of adventure, a profound exploration of healing, growth, and the deep ties between humans and the natural world.
Through vivid storytelling and her photos of the land, Dr. Kőrösi shares her personal challenges and the healing power of nature, offering readers a glimpse into the beauty and therapeutic benefits of the Earth. Her account goes beyond mere observation, inviting us to consider our symbiotic relationship with nature, highlighting our duty to nurture the Earth as it nurtures us. This perspective serves as a poignant reminder of our role as stewards of the environment.
The core of Dr. Kőrösi's narrative is her profoundly personal ordeal, marked by physical and emotional trials, including illness and dehydration, which she frames as a dramatic arc of survival and enlightenment. These experiences underscore the themes of interdependence with nature and the importance of community support. Dr. Kőrösi emphasizes the significance of connection, trust, and the ability to let go, offering philosophical and almost spiritual insights into living in the moment without expectations.
Dr. Kőrösi's insights and the profound peace she finds in her journey offer valuable lessons on facing and embracing our vulnerabilities, making her book a compelling read for veterans, those who have faced their vulnerabilities, and anyone interested in the healing possibilities of nature and community.
My greatest takeaway was seeing how much Dr. Kőrösi was touched by her experiences. She was deeply moved and we could watch her transformation. Her strong storytelling and photos allow the reader to share her experiences and a touch of her transformation.
The photographic sequence of the sunrise is just breathtaking. I didn't know that could be done in a printed book! She did it, though.
Dr. Kőrösi continues with the sky sequence and her poem describing her experience.
The sky calls.
The pattern emerges from within.
I am at peace with the worlds above.
Dr. Kőrösi shared those sacred moments when she traveled to the in-between. Have you ever been?
The sage and the rock formations are breathtaking. The rock formations look more like constructions rather than individual rocks. What forces could have formed those significant constructions? Intermingle that experience with wonder and the irresistible scent of wild sage. It speaks to the heart as well as the mind.
The rolling hills provide a timeless presence of eternity. The photographs build that presence and the connection with the Earth. The photos of the land expose emotions of unity and continuity. One can feel the ever-changing permanence of the land in all its forms. The author intersperses some very emotional poetry with her touching photos. The reader can sit by the river and hear the ripples and the Earth's music. They can smell the Earth and the water-the beautiful desert flowers in bloom.
The photos are alive, and the thoughts form a union with the images. Paging through the book is a transformative visual adventure. The reader can experience the journey through her text and photos.
Dr. Kőrösi's bio is impressive in its variety and scope. Her catalog shows her genuine love for life.

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