Garrison Keillor


A Novel of Lake Wobegon. Main. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 304 Seiten
ISBN 0571252443
EAN 9780571252442
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2009
Verlag/Hersteller Faber & Faber
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
10,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Margie Krebsbach dreams up the idea of a trip to Rome, hoping to get her husband Carl to make love to her - he's been sleeping across the hall and she has no idea why. She finds a patriotic purpose for the journey. A Lake Wobegon boy, Gussy Norlander, died in the liberation of Rome, 1944, and his grave, according to his elderly brother, Norbert, is in a neglected weed patch near the Colosseum. So it's decided they will go to clean Gussy's final resting place.
But Margie is unprepared for the enthusiastic response - fifty people want to go with her, including her nemesis, the mayor of Lake Wobegon, Carl's bossy sister, Eloise, Mr. Berge the town drunk, and her treacherous mother-in-law. Margie fends off some of the would-be travellers, but ten applicants remain, though Carl is not sure he wants to go after all. At this, a heartbroken Margie gets the motley crew to the airport and aboard the plane, and then discovers one of the secret pleasures of travel - as they enter alien territory, safely away from Lake Wobegon, they tell each other stories of astonishing frankness and self-revelation.


Garrison Keillor lives in St Paul, Minnesota, home of
A Prairie Home Companion, his radio show that has been on the air since 1974. He wrote and appeared in Robert Altman's final film,
A Prairie Home Companion and is the author of many books including the Lake Wobegon novels, the most recent of which was
TheNew York Times bestseller,

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