Gennaro Contaldo

Gennaro's Good Food for Hard Times

60 storecupboard recipes for bread, pasta, pizza, rice and beans. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1911663496
EAN 9781911663492
Veröffentlicht Mai 2020
Verlag/Hersteller HarperCollins Publishers
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,51 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

All author royalties will go towards the Trussell Trust to support their vital work with UK food banks
In these unique times, we are all looking for heart-warming recipes that are easy to make. Good Food for Hard Times is based on the concept of cucina povera, the Italian way of cooking with simple, cheap ingredients to provide for and nourish your family. Gennaro, the authority on Italian food, uses storecupboard staples to create dishes that will delight and comfort. With a bag of flour, you can impress your family or flatmates with home-made bread, perfect pizzas and surprisingly easy fresh pasta, and have fun in the making. Or utilise your dried ingredients - tinned tomatoes and fish, pasta, rice and beans - to create wholesome dishes that your local Italian restaurant would be proud of. Bring the Italian sunshine in to your home and enjoy!
'These are the foods and dishes of my childhood, a time when food was never wasted and good nutritious meals were always cooked from scratch. I hope you enjoy recreating these recipes and not only during this challenging time, but also for many years to come.' Gennaro


Gennaro Contaldo's warmth, Italian spirit and sense of fun have led him to be one of the UK's most-loved chefs. He is renowned for being a mentor to Jamie Oliver and teaching him, with Carluccio, everything Jamie knows about Italian cooking. In 1999, he opened Passione in London, which was awarded Best Italian restaurant in 2005. He is a favourite on Saturday Kitchen, has his own YouTube food channel, and is an ambassador for Citalia, Parmigiano Reggiano and Birra Moretti. This is his seventh book with Pavilion, which include Pasta Perfecto and Fast Cook Italian. He lives in east London with his wife and twin daughters. @gennarocontaldo

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