Georgia McCain

Gods Little Lambs

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1370394489
EAN 9781370394487
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Georgia McCain
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Author Georgia McCain provides a diverse collection of stories, enjoyable by readers of all ages, that is targeted to inspire children to a Christian path. The stories demonstrate that God is the only path to joy, peace, satisfaction, and a useful happy life, as well as eternal salvation.
This collection comes from many different sources, including books, church bulletins / periodicals, ministers, religious leaders, and ordinary people. Stories are included for well-known leaders, including Salvation Army Leader Co-Founder Catherine Booth (Catherine Booth's Childhood), Hymnal Author Fanny Crosby (Little Blind Fanny Crosby), and even President Abraham Lincoln (Abe Lincoln's First Letter). Several came from the personal experiences of the author, her family, and friends. Many of the ageless stories came from the early 1900's and the 1800's. A short unique "cookbook" is even included from a group of first graders.
The following is excerpted from the Preface:
In Luke 18:16-17, we read, "But Jesus called them unto him, and said, 'Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily, I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.'''
Precious children! In Psalm 127:3 we read, "Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord" -- Blessed thought! Do we treat them as such, training them in the way they should go as Proverbs 22:6 admonishes us to do? How much time do we spend with our children, instructing, teaching, correcting, leading -- and always setting the right example? Do we take time to read to them stories that will enrich their little minds, inspire them to live right, mold their lives for the future? How often do we pray for and with them?
For some time now, God has been speaking to my heart about writing and compiling a book especially for our children and grandchildren; one that can be read in family devotions and other quiet times together. A book that will instill within their hearts the fact of God's never-ending love for them; how His ear is open to their entreaties, how He watches over them and guards them from harm and danger, how He is willing to save their soul -- even the very young -- and how God can keep them from sin's alluring paths.
May God use this little book for His glory and for the edification of our young ones, as well as for the older ones. Trust all will enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
--Georgia D. McCain


Mrs. McCain died from injuries sustained in an automobile accident at age 87 on December 9, 2013. She maintained her Christian commitment and ministry, as well as her writing skills, until the time of her unfortunate death.
At the time of her death, many of her books were out of print. To preserve the books and allow many new readers to enjoy, the books are being converted to e-books by her family. To increase relevancy and impact to a more contemporary and international audience, minor edits to the original text have been made to some of the books.
The following article was published in the Cenla Focus in October 2012 prior to Mrs. McCain's death, and provides a synopsis of Mrs. McCain's life as an author. It was authored by Holly Jo Linzay
Georgia McCain, an author of 10 published books, recalls the day she felt the Lord Jesus lead her to start writing. "I was standing in the kitchen, and God asked me, 'What is that in your hand?" McCain remembers, and answered, "'Only a pen, Lord.' Then He asked me if I would use the pen for his honor and glory, and I said, 'Yes, Lord, as you direct me, I will write for the glory and honor of God."
That very night, her first short novel unfolded completely from beginning to end. "The Lord gave me the name of the book and just opened up the story for me from the first page to the last," notes McCain about her first book, Through Troubled Waters, which was published more than 40 years ago. Her first book is a work of fiction interwoven with Biblical truths. McCain has sold thousands of copies, and has received letters from people all over the world expressing how the book touched their hearts. "I never dreamed about writing a book, let alone getting one published,' McCain notes.
As a child, McCain wrote poems and made up short stories. In the ninth grade, as her teacher was passing out Christmas gifts to the class, she called McCain to the front of the classroom. She told the class that Georgia had a gift for all her classmates. Stunned, McCain realized her teacher had made copies of a story she had written and shared it with the class. From time to time, she would write another short story. Later, she was asked by a preacher to write a story that would continue and develop in a religious paper. 'I told him that I couldn't just sit down and write a story. God had to give me the thoughts: McCain recalls, remembering it was later that night that she heard God question h...

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