Georgie May

Lucky Girl

Unveiling the Secrets of Manifesting a Lucky Life. 1. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 139423077X
EAN 9781394230778
Veröffentlicht Februar 2024
Verlag/Hersteller John Wiley & Sons

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"This must-read book debunks and critiques the Lucky Girl viral movement whilst providing you with all the tools you need to make your dreams come true. Brilliant." Vicki Broadbent, founder of, author and broadcaster
A helpful and inclusive guide to bringing more good luck into your life
Unlock a vibrant and empowering journey with Lucky Girl, guided by Georgie May, a leading wellness expert and social media strategist. Lucky Girl provides a refreshing evidence-based approach which will infuse your life with excitement and positivity, allowing you to tap into your inherent skills and talents to attract abundance and luck.
Within the pages of this captivating book, a treasure trove of easy-to-implement tools, transformative practices, and enchanting rituals are shared. These will propel you towards profound shifts, empowering you to embrace the life you truly desire. Say goodbye to your unlucky streak and unlock the door to a world of endless possibilities by learning:
* Strategies for challenging your situation and replacing it with a simple thought process that will power your hopes and dreams
* Techniques to help you identify why your luck seems so bad and how to change it
* Methods to help you manifest good luck based on contemporary research and case studies
* Practical tools to help you create your Lucky Girl Goals and learn resources on how to make them finally stick
With Lucky Girl as your trusted companion, discover the secrets to living your best life. A book applicable to all ages and genders, allow Lucky Girl to inspire and uplift you as you embark on a journey of self-discovery, awareness, and personal growth. It's time to manifest the luck you deserve and embrace a life full of true authenticity, joy, and fulfillment. Are you ready to seize the reins of destiny and step into a brighter future? Let Lucky Girl be your guiding star on this transformative adventure!

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