Gerald Cranwell

Rebel Spring- War in the Mountains (Seasons of the Confederacy, #1.3)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393258948
EAN 9781393258940
Veröffentlicht Februar 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Gerald Cranwell
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Despite his best efforts- which left him crippled- Major Matthew Glenn has failed to prevent war from coming to Virginia. Federal spies operate with impunity in the Confederate capitol while he struggles to return to duty, and the entire war effort in the western part of the state hangs in the balance.
As Virginia turns against itself in the mountain counties, threatening to tear itself apart, Glenn is recalled to serve General Lee. Grappling with his wounds as much as the enemy, Glenn struggles to gather the information Lee requires, once again being required to do the impossible.


Gerald Cranwell is a 20+ year veteran of the Information Warfare Age, starting as a Navy Cryptolinguist in the '90s and working around the world, including many conflict zones; through this, he came to understand the vital role intelligence can play in warfare, where success or failure turns on foreknowledge of enemy intentions and capabilities. While teaching analysis and foreign languages to military and college students, he incorporated examples from history into lesson plans and lectures; short essays on the use of intelligence in Civil War battles led to a larger study on the subject, and eventually a historical 'what-if' incorporating this research. When not engaged in re-fighting the Civil War with advanced analysis and intelligence-gathering techniques, he makes his home in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and son. Subscribe to his newsletter:

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