Gerhard Behrens

The Bible Murder

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 246 Seiten
ISBN 1728386713
EAN 9781728386713
Veröffentlicht März 2019
Verlag/Hersteller AuthorHouse UK

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The Bible had made history, changed societies, created art and also caused murders-quite a lot of murders in fact. The latest one is the killing of Professor Karl Fehr of the University of London. He provided the long missing archaeological proof for a daring theory published by Professor Kamal Salibi, a real (not fictional) Lebanese historian [see his book 'The Bible came from Arabia', 1985). Based on thorough linguistic and geographical studies he, and later also Fehr, became convinced that all locations and events mentioned in the Old Testament are connected to Asir, a southern province of today's Saudi Arabia, and not to the region of Palestine/Israel!
Of course, hardly anyone is willing to see any truth in that theory. It is not conform with the age-old and commonly accepted interpretation of the Old Testament and is therefore shocking. No wonder that Salibi in his lifetime and now Fehr with his archaeological proof faced a whole phalanx of enemies, among them Fehr's murder.
Professor Rietberg, a Middle East historian and Fehr's colleague at the University of London, as the amateur detective with this talents already proven in other murder cases manages finally to solve this politically sensitive case as well.


Gerhard Behrens studied law at universities in Germany and Egypt. He has worked in academic institutions, in the Federal Government of Germany, in Deutsche Bank as their Middle East representative based in Cairo, on the board of trading and engineering companies as well as the Chairman of the German-Arab Chamber of Commerce in Cairo. After his retirement he is living in London with his wife Doris. As an accomplished Arabist he now uses his intimate knowledge of the Middle East by writing mystery novels with a Middle Eastern background. [Apart from the present book see his other novels 'The Janissary File' (2007), 'The Toledo Fake' (2012) and 'Murder Egyptian Style' (2018)]

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