Gilbert Parker

Donovan Pasha and Some People of Egypt

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9789358714012
Veröffentlicht Mai 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Double 9 Books
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Gilbert Parker's book "Donovan Pasha and Some People of Egypt" chronicles the adventures of an Englishman called Donovan Pasha in Egypt in the late 19th century. The book is organized into multiple related tales that highlight various individuals and occasions. Donovan Pasha, a young and charming Englishman who is assigned as the governor of a province in Egypt, is the protagonist of the book. Due to his justice and compassion, he swiftly wins the affection and respect of the locals. He interacts with various other individuals along the journey, including an Egyptian princess, a British journalist, and a French artist. Parker creates a vivid portrait of life in Egypt at this time via these individuals, highlighting the complicated social and political conflicts as well as the country's rich cultural legacy. The conflict between many cultures and traditions is another issue that is explored in the book along with others like love, loyalty, and betrayal. Overall, "Donovan Pasha and Some People of Egypt" is an engrossing and provocative book that offers an enthralling window into Egypt's society during a moment of significant change and turmoil. Characters are well-drawn and unforgettable because to Parker's descriptive and captivating narrative.

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