Gill Rapley, Tracey Murkett

Baby-led Breastfeeding

How to make breastfeeding work - with your baby's help. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1409033309
EAN 9781409033301
Veröffentlicht Mai 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Ebury Digital
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Breastfeeding is easy when you follow your baby's natural instincts
Forget stressful routines, painful breasts and problems with milk supply. This straightforward guide shows you how to follow your baby's lead so you can enjoy relaxed and pain-free breastfeeding.
With practical advice on interpreting your baby's needs, Baby-led Breastfeeding explains in simple terms how breastfeeding works and why staying in tune with your baby is the key to effortless feeding.
Discover how to:
- help your baby follow his instincts from the very first feed
- make the most of the first few weeks to get breastfeeding up and running
- hold your baby in ways that will help him to feed effectively
- recognise when breastfeeding is going well and be confident that your baby is getting plenty of breast milk
- avoid common problems - from sore nipples to mastitis
Baby-led Breastfeeding is a sensible and sensitive guide that will help you and your baby develop a happy and fulfilling breastfeeding relationship.


Gill Rapley has been a lactation consultant and a voluntary breastfeeding counsellor and is a former deputy director of the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative. She is also a qualified midwife and worked for 20 years as a health visitor. Her three children, now grown up, were all breastfed.
Tracey Murkett is a writer and journalist. She breastfed her daughter, now aged six, and is a voluntary mother-to-mother breastfeeding helper.

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