Gillian Brown

Listening to Spoken English

ebook Ausgabe. 2. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 192 Seiten
ISBN 1134961057
EAN 9781134961054
Veröffentlicht September 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis
66,99 inkl. MwSt.
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For those who are familiar with the first edition, it will be convenient to have some indication of where the main changes lie. Chapter one has been largely rewritten to give an outline of current approaches to a model of comprehension of spoken language. Chapter two has a new initial section but otherwise remains as it was. Chapter three incorporates a new section on &quote;pause&quote; and how this interacts with rhythm, and rather more on the function of stress. Chapter four has an extended initial section but otherwise remains largely as it was. Chapter five on intonation contains several sections which have been rewritten to varying extents. Chapter six of the first edition has disappeared: in 1977, very little work had been published on &quote;fillers&quote; and it seemed worthwhile incorporating a chapter that sat rather oddly with the phonetic/phonological interests of the rest of the book. Not that there is a great industry of descriptions of the forms and functions of these and similar phenomena there seems no reason to retain this early but admittedly primitive account. The chapter on &quote;paralinguistic vocal features&quote;, now chapter six, has some rewriting in the early part but considerable rewriting in the last sections. The final chapter on &quote;teaching listening comprehension&quote; has grown greatly in length. It still incorporates some material from the original chapter but most of it is completely rewritten.

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