Greg Krojac


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201448400
Veröffentlicht März 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Greg Krojac
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Basic Instincts: Discover The Real You
Spend up to four hours stripped of any vestige of humanity and civilization in our specially created forest environment. Be feral for an afternoon and then watch your antics on video, back in the comfort of your own home.
That's what the advertising copy said. A couple decides to try it out but are unprepared for a devastating revelation.


Born in 1957, Greg Krojac grew up in Maidenhead, England. He is the author of nine published novels: the dystopian Recarn Chronicles trilogy (comprising of Revelation, Revolution, and Resolution), the post-apocalyptic love story The Boy Who Wasn't And The Girl Who Couldn't Be, the foreboding First Contact novel, Immune, and the Sophont trilogy (The Girl With Acrylic Eyes, Metalheads & Meatheads, and Reuleaux's Portal). He is also writing a Mad Max style series of novellas, the first of which has been published as Judd's Errand. He ventured outside of the science fiction genre recently to write a comedy-horror novella, WTF? And in addition, has published a short story Oppy about the fate of the Mars Opportunity Rover. His most recent work is a scifi thriller titled The Weatherman.
He currently lives just outside the city of Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, with his partner, Eliene, and their dog, Sophie, and two cats, Tabitha and Jess, and teaches English as a foreign language (TEFL) at a local language school.

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