Hansen Mettle

Wisdom Nuggets

Devotional. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 442 Seiten
ISBN 1835380166
EAN 9781835380161
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Maple Publishers

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The daily readings in this Devotional are written to help you connect with God meaningfully. Each day, you will find a scripture passage and an applicable reflection to guide you on your faith journey, deepening your relationship with God and helping you to experience His love and grace in a new way.
May this book be a blessing to you and help you to strengthen your faith and grow in your relationship with God. May you be filled with His peace and joy as you spend time in His presence each day?
Hansen Mettle, a seasoned teacher of the Word, is the Founder and General Overseer of Christian Worship Centre. His ministry spans over three decades during which period he has also established a children's home, a regular school, a radio ministry, and Bible College. Hansen Mettle is a prolific conference speaker and author, and his ministry has taken him to various countries on the continents of Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. Hansen Mettle is an alumnus of Haggai Institute for Advanced Leadership (Singapore), former member of Ministers Fellowship International (USA) West Africa leadership team, and member of Kingsway Fellowship International (USA). He is married to his beautiful wife, Julie, with whom he has a wonderful family life.

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