Harambee K. Grey-Sun

Hell's Brood (Eve of Light)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386246689
EAN 9781386246688
Veröffentlicht März 2018
Verlag/Hersteller HyperVerse Books, LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,99 inkl. MwSt.
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In the Eve of Light universe, no one is safe from what hides beneath the gossamer of superficial reality.
A struggling singer who travels to the middle of nowhere to perform a gig finds herself exposed to a sinister creature with a hunger for something only she can provide.
A small-time criminal who finds a gun that seems to be of supernatural origin begins to dream of the big time, until he realizes someone wants their toy back.
A lonely middle manager who set up a profile on an adult hook-up site is soon in danger of losing more than his money or identity.
An American Heartland Security agent unwittingly becomes involved in a supernatural battle.
A fugitive from the Sprytes, one of the most dangerous supernatural cults on Earth, finds herself entangled in a conspiracy too dark to escape.
Containing The Lark, Heaven's Gun, FoolKillers, Knotty & Ice, and Rogue Beauty, five tales of dark metaphysical fantasy, Hell's Brood is the perfect collection for readers new to the Eve of Light series.
With stories set in a world where humankind's twisted fantasies and most disturbing nightmares have manifested as pulsing, hard-edged realities, Eve of Light is a dark fantasy horror series unlike any other. Mind-bending and provocative. Dark fiction at its weirdest.


Harambee K. Grey-Sun is the author of several novels, short stories, and poetry collections, including Colder Than Ice, Blind Dates: Weird Stories, and Wine Songs, Vinegar Verses. He writes in a variety of genres but his stories often fall somewhere on the spectrum of horror, ranging from the supernatural to the psychological. The curious can find more information about him and his writings at www.harambeegreysun.com.

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