Hassan B. Jallow

Promoting Accountability for International Crimes:

Selected Papers. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 820 Seiten
EAN 9798823087025
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller AuthorHouse UK

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This book brings together a rich selection of speeches, papers and articles by the author drawn from his long and diverse experience in international criminal justice. It touches on the development and implementation of prosecutorial strategies, the challenges of investigation and prosecution of international crimes and the responses to such challenges and on specific issues including the work and legacy of the UNICTR (Rwanda tribunal), prosecuting sexual and gender based crimes, arrest and tracking of fugitives, giving effect to complementarity, international cooperation to combat international crimes as well as a vision of the future of international criminal justice. An excellent guide and source from one of the world's leading practitioners of international criminal justice.


Hassan B Jallow was Attorney General and Minister of Justice (1984 to 1994) and Justice of the Supreme Court (1998 to 2003) of his country The Gambia.
He has also served extensively at the international level as a Judge if the Appeals Chamber of the UN Special Court for Sierra Leone,Judge Ad Litem of the UN International Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia(UNICTY) and Member of the Commonwealth Arbitral Tribunal.The author has also served as Chief Prosecutor of the UN International Tribunal for Rwanda (UNICTR)(2003 to 2015) and Chief Prosecutor of the UN Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals(UNICTY)(2012 to 2016) with the rank of Undersecretary General of the United Nations.
He is married with five children. He is the author of several books, including Journey For Justice ,The Law of Evidence,The Law of the African Charter on Human and People's Rights, Prosecuting International Crimes : Recollections and Reflections and The Wird(zikr) of the Tariqat Tidjani
He is currently the Chief Justice of The Gambia since 2017.

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