Heather Scarlett

Unexpected Second Chance For Love (Wildwood Falls, #8)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223542773
Veröffentlicht 8. Juli 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Heather Scarlett
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Payton had lived for too long in her older brothers' shadows and it was time to step out and become the woman she wanted to be. Moving out of her brother's home caused a stir, and when she moved in with her brother's best friend, she made tsunami style waves.
The grumpy Austin had more than his share of loss as a widower at twenty-nine. Moving back home to Wildwood Falls was less of a fresh start and more of an admission of defeat. His only hope at redemption was his fledging equine therapy business.
Austin knew it was a bad idea to let his former best friend's sister move in , but he needed the money more than he needed his pride. Wildwood Falls already blamed him for the death of his wife, so what more did he have to lose?
Living together, in close proximity, reignited an adolescent crush Payton had long buried, but not forgotten. Austin was older and off limits but Payton could only imagine him being her first time. She was done being a twenty-two year old virgin and Austin was the man to change that, consequences be damned.
Unexpected Second Chance for Love is a sweet, small town romance, with a grumpy widower, a headstrong heroine, and a guaranteed happily ever after.


Heather Scarlett lives in Southern California, though her heart is in Montana where she lived for six wonderful years. She loves big sky, wide open spaces, and cowboys. Heather writes small town romance that feels like home and is equal parts sweet and emotionally satisfying. Her heroines are strong and sassy and her heroes are rugged and capable. Heather's stories are family focused and relationship driven.

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