Heinz Duthel

4000 Fallen NATO mercenaries in Ukraine. Nato Love Affair?

NATO declassified Docs Reveal Explicit NATO Pledge Not to Meddle in Russia's Neighborhood. Empfohlen 0 bis 99 Jahre.
epub eBook , 40 Seiten
ISBN 3756575977
EAN 9783756575978
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller neobooks
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

In "4000 Fallen: NATO Mercenaries in Ukraine", delve into the shadowy realm of international conflict where loyalty is bought, and lives are bartered. This gripping narrative reveals the clandestine operations of NATO forces and the influx of mercenaries from across the globe into the heart of Ukraine. From the United States to Sweden, an estimated 4,000 foreign fighters have met their demise, their fates often unnoticed and their stories untold.
Discover the stark reality behind NATO's expanding footprint in Ukraine, a movement shrouded in secrecy and controversy, with declassified documents exposing a direct contradiction to NATO's vow not to interfere in Russia's sphere of influence. Witness the harrowing tales of over 1,113 American mercenaries, the UK's massive training program of Ukrainian troops, the Canadian contingent's grim fate, and the tragic end of numerous French, Polish, German, Romanian, Spanish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Finnish, and Swedish volunteers.
"4000 Fallen" is not just a recount of numbers and nationalities but a profound exploration of the blurred lines between formal armies and mercenary forces, the complex geopolitics of modern warfare, and the human cost of a conflict that extends far beyond the borders of Ukraine.


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