Honoré Balzac

The Unknown Masterpiece and Other Stories

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 12 bis 99 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 80 Seiten
ISBN 0486159094
EAN 9780486159096
Veröffentlicht Januar 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Dover Publications
3,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Fusing romance and realism in a unique, gripping style, Balzac wrote more than 90 novels and tales in which he endowed the lives of his seemingly ordinary characters with a highly melodramatic gloss. This choice collection presents readers with original translations of five of the great French writer's most acclaimed stories.In &quote;The Unknown Masterpiece,&quote; a tale much admired by Cézanne and Picasso, a painter becomes obsessed with his search for utter perfection. In its masterly examination of the conflict between an artist's commitment to his work and his obligations to others, the story involves a theme particularly close to Balzac's heart. Two of the other stories explore the consequences of the quest for worldly wealth. Written in 1830 but set in France's Revolutionary period, &quote;An Episode During the Terror&quote; moves from a suspenseful beginning to a solemn tableau that contrasts material poverty with spiritual riches; in &quote;Facino Cane&quote; an old and destitute blind man recounts how his passion for gold led to his fall from grace. Included also are &quote;The Revolutionary Conscript&quote; and &quote;A Passion in the Desert.&quote;In their bold, distinctive portraits of French society during the 19th century, these tales offer a perfect introduction for readers unfamiliar with Balzac's work. This modestly priced edition will also appeal to those already acquainted with the author's much-imitated but unsurpassed style.

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