Howie Carr

The Brothers Bulger

How They Terrorized and Corrupted Boston for a Quarter Century. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0446506141
EAN 9780446506144
Veröffentlicht Juli 2007
Verlag/Hersteller Grand Central Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,49 inkl. MwSt.
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The riveting New York Times bestseller by award-winning columnist Howie Carr--now with a stunning new afterword detailing Whitey Bulger's capture.
For years their familiar story was of two siblings who took different paths out of South Boston: William "Billy" Bulger, former president of the Massachusetts State Senate; and his brother James "Whitey" Bulger, a vicious criminal who became the FBI's second most-wanted man after Osama Bin Laden. While Billy cavorted with the state's blue bloods to become a powerful political force, Whitey blazed a murderous trail to the top rung of organized crime. Now, in this compelling narrative, Carr uncovers a sinister world of FBI turncoats, alliances between various branches of organized crime, St. Patrick's Day shenanigans, political infighting, and the complex relationship between two brothers who were at one time kings.
As the film Black Mass, starring Johnny Depp as Whitey Bulger, hits theaters, take a deeper dive into the story of the Bulgers, and their fifty-year reign over Boston with Howie Carr's The Brother's Bulger.


Howie Carr is the author of two New York Times bestsellers, The Brothers Bulger and Hitman. Before Bulger fled in 1994, Carr was such an implacable foe of the serial killing gangster that Whitey tried to kill him as he left his house in suburban Boston -- an incident reported in 2006 on 60 Minutes. Whitey's younger brother, Billy Bulger, then the president of the Mass. State Senate, publicly referred to Carr as "the savage." Carr is also the host of daily syndicated four-hour radio program heard throughout New England, and is a member of the national Radio Hall of Fame in Chicago. He won a National Magazine Award in 1985 for Essays & Criticism in Boston Magazine.

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