Hunter Chinn-Raicht

A Kids Book About Being Non-Binary

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 5 bis 9 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0241690226
EAN 9780241690222
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller DK Children
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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A clear explanation of what being non-binary means, and what it means to be outside of the gender binary.
This is a kids book about non-binary identities. But what does being non-binary mean? For some people, the question and its answer may be new or a little confusing. It's okay to not know what it means! That's where all good conversations start. The journey to understanding starts with an open mind and an open heart.
This book is an introduction for anyone who doesn't feel like their gender matches how other people see them, and helps to start discussions about non-binary with kids aged 5-9.
A Kids Book About Non-Binary features:
- A large and bold, yet minimalist font design that allows kids freedom to imagine themselves in the words on the pages.
- A friendly, approachable, yet empowering, kid-appropriate tone throughout.
- An incredible and diverse group of authors in the series who are experts or have first-hand experience of the topic.
Tackling important discourse together!
The A Kids Book About series are best used when read together. Helping to kickstart challenging, empowering, and important conversations for kids and their grownups through beautiful and thought-provoking pages. The series supports an incredible and diverse group of authors, who are either experts in their field, or have first-hand experience on the topic.
A Kids Co. is a new kind of media company enabling kids to explore big topics in a new and engaging way. With a growing series of books, podcasts and blogs, made to empower. Learn more about us online by searching for A Kids Co.


Hunter Chinn-Raicht (they/them) is an aerial acrobat, animal shelter volunteer, identifies as non-binary, and can't open envelopes without completely tearing them apart. They hope for the day when all genders are celebrated, which is what brought them to GenderCool, a positive storytelling campaign turned global movement led by more than a dozen Champions. These young leaders are evolving understanding by showing the world who they are.
With a foreword from Jamie Windust, an award-winning non-binary writer, public speaker and model from London. They have written for The Independent, Gay Times, British GQ, Cosmopolitan and INTO More, and were named as one of London's most influential people, in the story telling category, by the Evening Standard.

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