
Structural and Psychological Perspectives. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 336 Seiten
ISBN 1317780736
EAN 9781317780731
Veröffentlicht April 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis
66,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Idioms have always aroused the curiosity of linguists and there is a long tradition in the study of idioms, especially within the fields of lexicology and lexicography. Without denying the importance of this tradition, this volume presents an overview of recent idiom research outside the immediate domain of lexicology/lexicography. The chapters address the status of idioms in recent formal and experimental linguistic theorizing. Interdisciplinary in scope, the contributions are written by psycholinguists and theoretical and computational linguists who take mutual advantage of progress in all disciplines. Linguists supply the facts and analyses psycholinguists base their models and experiments on; psycholinguists in turn confront linguistic models with psycholinguistic findings. Computational linguists build natural language processing systems on the basis of models and frameworks provided by theoretical linguists and, sometimes psycholinguists, and set up large corpora to test linguistic hypotheses. Besides the fascination for idioms that make up such a large part of our knowledge of language, interdisciplinarity is one of the attractions of investigations in idiomatic language and language processing.


Martin Everaert, Erik-Jan van der Linden, Andr, Schenk, Rob Schreuder, Robert Schreuder

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