Income Mastery

Sales Objections: Become a Master Closer (Increase Your Sales and Income by Learning How to Always Turn That No into a Yes Volume 1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798215058343
Veröffentlicht Januar 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Aiditorial Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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If you want to learn about sales, business, sales closures and, in general, how to become an excellent negotiator, the best thing you can do is buy this book and read it in its entirety. In any case, the fact that you are looking for content on this topic is an excellent first step, in that sense, we will explore the steps to follow when entering the business world and, especially, what to do to transform those objections that hinder your business in opportunities to grow in the work environment you want.
Do not miss the opportunity to enrich your knowledge on fascinating topics that are not only interesting to learn, but have a real reach in the dynamics of your life. From the offer of this book you will learn:
- How to transform objections into needs?
- Inform you about the real need behind the need of your client.
- Learn how to negotiate like a professional.
- You will understand how to close a sale efficiently.
- Negotiation strategies.
All this will give you the skills to face the business world with a new perspective and functionally, you will understand that daily life is full of moments of negotiations that we take for granted, the human being is a negotiator by nature, so start Awareness of these behaviors will give you the tools to turn your professional career and those objections that seem so definitive, you have the transformative power in sales and everything you want to specify, you just have to dare to take the step and read the content of this book


Phil Wall grew up quite poor and had to learn the value of "money" through hard work and perseverance. He has worked numerous low wage jobs like being a waiter, fast food counter cashier, and dishwasher. However, he managed to get a college degree and started to work at numerous banking positions. He enjoyed writing about money and helping others through writing books.

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