Iris Deorre

Convict (Inmate, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386358819
EAN 9781386358817
Veröffentlicht Juli 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Iris Deorre
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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What happens when you find yourself falling for a convicted serial killer? That's what happens to Doctor Regina Lawrence. Regina is hired by the police department to help them get convicted serial killer, Trevor Stackhouse, to tell them where he's hidden some of the bodies.
As she gets to know this charming man, she begins to question her sanity. Trevor is one step ahead of her and he cleverly makes her a deal. She gets to keep her famous reputation in exchange for giving him her time.
Even though he's given her a choice, the truth is, she had no choice. Regina finds herself caught up in a difficult situation, and there is no getting out. Now she has to deal with Trevor whether she likes it or not.


Iris is a romance author and loves to read and write interracial romance... Iris loves to tackle things people rarely talk about. She loves to bring love where it seems the hardest place to find it. She sees love as the flower that grows in the desert or out of a rock. Her stories are about love that penetrates the hardest of places. In short, her stories are about hope and overcoming.
Iris resides in the United Kingdom, with her lovely daughter and a crazy eyed German Shepherd. When Iris is not writing or reading you'll find her taking walks in the countryside with her doggy or spending time with friends and family.
To learn more about Iris visit her blog page at or follow her on twitter.

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