Islam and Global Dialogue -

Islam and Global Dialogue

Religious Pluralism and the Pursuit of Peace. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 2.
pdf eBook , 336 Seiten
ISBN 1317112636
EAN 9781317112631
Veröffentlicht Mai 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis

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At a time when the world is becoming increasingly interdependent, multi-cultural and multi-religious, the concept of religious pluralism is under assault as a result of hatred, prejudice and misunderstanding from both religious exclusivists and dogmatic secularists. In this important and timely book, twenty internationally acclaimed scholars and leading religious thinkers respond to contemporary challenges in different ways. Some discuss the idea of a dialogue of civilisations; others explore the interfaith principles and ethical resources of their own spiritual traditions. All of them reject the notion that any single religion can claim a monopoly of wisdom; all are committed to the ideal of a just and peaceful society in which people of different religions and cultures can happily coexist. More space is here given to Islam than to Judaism and Christianity because, as a result of negative stereotypes, it is the most misunderstood of the major world religions. HRH Prince Hassan bin Talal of Jordan contributes the Foreword.


Roger Boase is an Honorary Research Fellow at Queen Mary College, University of London, and was a Professor at the University of Fez. He has been involved in interfaith discussions for many years. His publications include The Origin and Meaning of Courtly Love (1977), The Troubadour Revival (1978), 'The Muslim Expulsion from Spain', History Today (April 2002), and, with Aisha Ahmad, Pashtun Tales from the Pakistan-Afghan Frontier (2003).


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