J. E. Taylor

The Elvren Assassin

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224759361
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller JET-Fueled Fiction
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Mya is missing. And the Director wants her back. Or worse, dead.
Avery's mission was to find Mya, the lost assassin, who stepped through the portal to Eleka and disappeared. If Avery finds her, she must bring her home, or if Mya is unwilling to return, Avery must kill her.
But Mya was the only assassin at the complex who saw Avery as a person. She even gave her the name Avery instead of only the numbers issued to each assassin by the Director.
This is not a job she wants. But she's one of a handful of assassins with fae blood, and she has no choice but to follow the Director's orders. If she fails, her handler will pay the price.
And he has angel blood like she does, which makes him the closest thing to kin that she has.
Her only hope is to find Mya and convince her to come home. Or Avery will witness her handler's death before her own.


J.E. Taylor is a USA Today bestselling author, a publisher, an editor, a manuscript formatter, a mother, a wife, a business analyst, and a Supernatural fangirl, not necessarily in that order. She first sat down to seriously write in February of 2007 after her daughter asked:
"Mom, if you could do anything, what would you do?"
From that moment on, she hasn't looked back.
In addition to being co-owner of Novel Concept Publishing, Ms. Taylor also moonlights as a Senior Editor of Allegory E-zine, an online venue for Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror, and co-host of the popular YouTube talk show Spilling Ink.
She lives in New Hampshire with her husband and during the summer months enjoys her weekends on the shore in southern Maine.
Visit her at www.jetaylor75.com to check out her other titles.
Sign up for her newsletter at https://app.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/y2z2x6 for early previews of her upcoming books, release announcements, and special opportunities for free swag!

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