J J Jackalope


ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 15 bis 18 Jahre. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 325 Seiten
EAN 9798218400477
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller JJ Jackalope

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"That's it. That's all I had. I kept pulling the lever of the slot machine in my mind to come up with another word, but all I could think was charred charred charred, as if it was the jackpot. Billows of steam ascended from the black rubble of the dining hall. The carnage of the building littered the snow in a perfect little half-circle around the foundation."
After being in online school for the last four years, Scottlin Vincino starts his Junior year at a new private boarding school an hour from home. It should have been similar to any other in-person school-- but alas, this school was for the marked. Scott isn't marked. He has power, but no mark to match.
He'll have to keep it a secret, but it gets tricky when you have a knack for ending up in the infirmary, whether it be for the hot boy you just met, or you're swept up in one of the freak accidents at the school that seem to just keep happening.
Scott will have to juggle his sexuality, his grades, and his new friends all while solving the mystery of what is happening to his new academy.

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