Jamie K. Schmidt

Mercury Horizon

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224183289
Veröffentlicht 12. August 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Jamie K. Schmidt
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Dive headfirst into the electric world of Mercury Horizon where the relentless beats of rock and the intoxicating allure of redemption collide in a symphony of passion and second chances.
Alex Sterling is the charismatic lead singer of Mercury Horizon, a rock band soaring at the zenith of their fame. But behind the stage lights, Alex grapples with a battle far more personal – the struggle to maintain sobriety after a series of black-out drunk incidents. Just when he thought life couldn't throw more challenges, fate reintroduces him to Skylar Peterson, the love of his life who vanished without a trace six years ago.
Skylar vowed never to shed another tear over Alex, suddenly finds him claiming a memory loss of their breakup over her pregnancy. Confused and conflicted, Skylar realizes her heart still holds a flame for Alex. But there's more at stake now – Zander, their son, deserves a chance to have a father in his life. The question is, can Skylar trust Alex not to hurt them again?
In this rockstar romance, where every note echoes with the raw intensity of love and redemption, Alex and Skylar need to find a way to navigate the pitfalls of fame, rebuild trust, and discover the transformative power of love.


Jamie K. Schmidt is a three-time USA Today Bestseller for her steamy romances Life's A Beach, Heat, and The Cowboy's Daughter. Jamie's books have been called, "hot and sexy, with just the right amount of emotional punch," and "turbo-paced, gritty, highly sexual thrill rides." As a #1 Amazon and Barnes and Noble best seller and a 2018 Romance Writers of America Rita® finalist in erotica, Jamie writes daily, drinks lots of tea, and sneaks away to play video games whenever she makes her deadlines. Along with her husband who lets her stick magnetic signs on his car about her books and her fifteen-year-old son who wants to be her cover model, Jamie lives in Connecticut with her two cats who hate each other and a dog who just wants to be cuddled up on a blanket.

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