Jamie K. Schmidt

My Rockstar Neighbor (Neighborhood Hotties, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224740680
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Jamie K. Schmidt
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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He's the bad boy drummer living life on the edge. She's the sweet kindergarten teacher searching for stability
When Johnny Marquis, drummer for the wildly successful band Mercury Horizon, returns to his small hometown for a break from touring, he runs into his ex-girlfriend Marie - and learns she's engaged to be married.
Stunned that the love of his life has moved on so quickly, Johnny isn't ready to let go without a fight. Determined to win Marie back, he'll have to decide if he's finally ready to ditch his rockstar lifestyle and prioritize their love over his insatiable thirst for music, fame, and adventure on the road.
As Marie plans her wedding to the safe, dependable man who can give her the family she craves, Johnny's presence resurfaces her unresolved feelings for the bad boy musician who set her soul on fire years ago. With her heart pulling her in two directions, Marie is faced with an impossible choice: Settle for security or rekindle the all-consuming passion of first love?


Jamie K. Schmidt is a three-time USA Today Bestseller for her steamy romances Life's A Beach, Heat, and The Cowboy's Daughter. Jamie's books have been called, "hot and sexy, with just the right amount of emotional punch," and "turbo-paced, gritty, highly sexual thrill rides." As a #1 Amazon and Barnes and Noble best seller and a 2018 Romance Writers of America Rita® finalist in erotica, Jamie writes daily, drinks lots of tea, and sneaks away to play video games whenever she makes her deadlines. Along with her husband who lets her stick magnetic signs on his car about her books and her fifteen-year-old son who wants to be her cover model, Jamie lives in Connecticut with her two cats who hate each other and a dog who just wants to be cuddled up on a blanket.

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