Janine Driver

You Can't Lie to Me

The Revolutionary Program to Supercharge Your Inner Lie Detector and Get to the Truth. illustrations throughout. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 288 Seiten
ISBN 0062135198
EAN 9780062135193
Veröffentlicht August 2012
Verlag/Hersteller HarperOne
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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What if you could increase your salary by 15 percent, kick problems and worries to the curb, and get a better night's rest simply by learning how to detect a lie the moment it starts (or even before)? What if you had an easy-to-use test that tipped you off the instant someone held something back from you? An innate lie detector so powerful it becomes an unconscious skill, applicable with any person, in any situation, to help you act fast before what began as an innocent white lie suddenly takes hold of you, your paycheck, or your happiness?
No machine built to date has proven more effective than a well-trained human lie detector, says world-renowned body language expert Janine Driver, a former federal law enforcement investigator who has trained agents at the ATF, CIA, and FBI. Today, Driver teaches people like you to supercharge your internal “BS Barometer” quickly and accurately so you can protect yourself from liars and manipulators.
You Can't Lie to Me will change the way you look at job applicants, coworkers, dates, salespeople, money managers—anyone from whom you want and deserve the truth— while simultaneously strengthening and deepening your relationships with your siblings, children, friends, and lovers. Driver distills nearly two decades of behind-the-scenes knowledge, cutting-edge science, and relatable case studies into a simple, powerful five-step program.
Whether it's with your teenager, spouse, mechanic, or fellow board member, and whether you are communicating face-to-face or through phone calls, e-mails, texts, Facebook posts, or handwritten notes, you will have all the tools and confidence you need to spot deception. More important, you will recognize the truth as you build the caring, authentic connections that make life worth living.
In You Can't Lie to Me learn how to perfect your inner lie detector (“BS Barometer”) and ban liars from your life, so you can feel more confident and create stronger, more trusting relationships. Lie detection expert Janine Driver delivers a step-by-step, foolproof program to:• outsmart disloyal coworkers—and beat them to theplum promotions
• protect your children from predators and guard agingloved ones—and their nest eggs—from unscrupulous con artists
• hire honest employees whose résumés and experienceyou can trust
• say yes to honest partners and avoid lying cheaters
• Get your boss's attention with these little tips
• save thousands of dollars each year using rich people's #1 trick


Janine Driver is a world-renowned human lie detector whose New York Times bestseller You Say More Than You Think has been translated into fourteen languages. She has appeared on HLN's Dr. Drew On Call, The Today Show, and The Dr. Oz Show among many other media outlets. She lives in Alexandria, Virginia.

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