Health Analytics - Jason Burke

Jason Burke

Health Analytics

Gaining the Insights to Transform Health Care. 1. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 9.
pdf eBook , 272 Seiten
ISBN 1118734270
EAN 9781118734278
Veröffentlicht Juni 2013
Verlag/Hersteller John Wiley & Sons

Auch erhältlich als:

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A hands-on, analytics road map for health industry leaders
The industry-wide transformation taking place across the health
and life sciences ecosystem is mandating that organizations adopt
new decision-making capabilities, based on science and real-world
information. Analytics will be a required competency for the modern
health enterprise; this book is about how to "cross the chasm." The
ultimate analytics guide for the health industry leader, this
essential book equips business leaders with little-to-no experience
in analytics to understand how to incorporate analytics as a
cornerstone of their 21st century competitive business
* Paints the picture for a new health enterprise, one focused on
the patient
* Explores the financial components of this new operating model,
using analytics to optimize the tradeoffs between cost and
* Deals with the rising role of the consumer, using analytics to
create a completely new health engagement model with individual
recipients of care
* Looks at how analytics can drive innovations in care practice,
patient-experienced medical outcomes, and analytically driven novel
therapies optimized for the individual patient
* Presents a variety of text, tables, and graphics illustrating
the various concepts being described
Within each section and chapter, Health Analytics
assesses the current landscape, proposing a new model/concept,
sharing real-world stories of how the old and new world come
together, and framing a "how-to" for the reader in terms of growing
that particular set of capabilities in their own enterprises.


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