Jason Schneiderman

Self Portrait of Icarus as a Country on Fire

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 96 Seiten
ISBN 163628163X
EAN 9781636281636
Veröffentlicht 13. August 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Red Hen Press

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In Self Portrait of Icarus as a Country on Fire, Jason Schneiderman confronts the rise of extremism and antisemitism in the United States while grappling with the end of his marriage and finding his feet as a newly single gay man.
Following up on his landmark collection Hold Me Tight, Jason Schneiderman extends his personal and historical explorations in Self Portrait of Icarus as a Country on Fire. Schneiderman's signature sense of humor works as a connective tissue across the book, even as the juxtapositions become more unlikely (Kafka and Hillary Clinton?), the historical scope becomes wider, and the personal revelations cut deeper than ever before. These poems represent Schneiderman's most direct and explicit exploration of Jewish heritage and history, bringing to the surface a theme that has often been missed in his work. The strength of these poems is in their power to trace the wound as a form of healing, to confront the agonizing in order to make way for joy and, yes, love.


Jason Schneiderman is the author of five poetry collections and the editor of the anthology Queer: A Reader for Writers (Oxford UP 2016). His poems and essays have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies. His awards include the Emily Dickinson Award, the Shestack Award, and a Fulbright Fellowship. He is a longtime cohost of the podcast Painted Bride Quarterly Slush Pile and has guest hosted American Public Media's The Slowdown. He is a professor of English at the Borough of Manhattan Community College and teaches in the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson. He lives in New York City.

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