Jeannette Stawski

The Outdoor Leader

Resilience, Integrity, and Adventure. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 224 Seiten
ISBN 1680515896
EAN 9781680515893
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Mountaineers Books

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The Outdoor Leader offers guidance, mentorship, and a roadmap for educators, guides, volunteers, and all outdoor enthusiasts dedicated to fostering a vibrant community
In The Outdoor Leader you'll learn how to:
Evaluate good decisions
Communicate effectively
Create and champion a vision
Develop organizational systems
Understand the value of mistakes
Lead change through a lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion
Build trust and credibility
Work through challenges
Say yes to the adventure of personal growth
There is no one "right way" to lead--you don't have to be the fastest, strongest, or most experienced to be a great leader. What the best leaders possess is a deep commitment to the greater good.
Drawing on her decades of experience as a national outdoor leader, Jeannette Stawski explores the elements of transformative leadership. Using real-life examples from the outdoors and every day, she focuses on the essentials: resilience, grit, integrity, tolerance for adversity, and highly developed listening and communication skills.
Whether you spend time in city parks, on mountains, in rivers, or beyond, you know that nature is a powerful teacher. Stawski shares inspiring stories from a range of outdoor enthusiasts and professionals, including Elyse Rylander, Kenji Haroutunian, Joe Stone, Stacy Bare, Victoria Lopez-Herrera, and more, as well as key principles from the Cornell Outdoor Education program, co-directed by Karel Hilversum.


Jeannette Stawski serves as executive director for the Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education (AORE) and is a Certified Association Executive (CAE) and a Certified Executive Coach. She was the director of Outdoor Adventures at the University of Michigan for 11 years and has worked as a professional outdoor guide, a wilderness medicine instructor, and NOLS instructor. She is currently the chair of the Coalition for Outdoor Access (COA) and lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan with her husband and their two children.

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