Jeff Pepper, Xiao Hui Wang

The Five Treasures: A Story in Simplified Chinese and Pinyin, 1200 Word Vocabulary Level (Journey to the West, #12)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1952601215
EAN 9781952601217
Veröffentlicht November 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Imagin8 Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Our band of travelers arrives at Level Top Mountain and encounters their most powerful adversaries yet: Great King Golden Horn and his younger brother Great King Silver Horn. These two monsters, assisted by their elderly mother and hundreds of well-armed demons, attempt to capture and liquefy Sun Wukong, and eat the Tang monk and his other disciples. Led by Sun Wukong, the travelers desperately battle their foes through a combination of trickery, deception and magic, and barely survive the encounter.
This is the 12th book in the best-selling The Journey to the West series of stories for students learning to read Chinese. It is based on the epic 16th century novel of the same name by Wu Chen'en. That novel was inspired by an actual journey by the Buddhist monk Tangseng, who traveled from Chang'an westward to India in 629 A.D. and returned seventeen years later with priceless knowledge and spiritual texts. Over the course of the book Tangseng and his companions face the 81 tribulations that Tangseng had to endure to attain Buddhahood.
The first 12 books in the Journey to the West series have used a total of about 1200 different Chinese words, but only 684 are used in this book. All new words are defined on the page where they are first used. The book uses Simplified Chinese characters and includes pinyin, an English translation, and a full glossary.
An audiobook is available on YouTube's Imagin8 Press channel and on the Imagin8 Press website.


Jeff Pepper has worked for thirty years in the computer software business, where he has started and led several successful tech companies, authored two software related books, and was awarded three U.S. software patents. In 2017 he started Imagin8 Press to serve English-speaking students of Chinese.

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