Jeffrey Carr

Inside Cyber Warfare

Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 318 Seiten
ISBN 1449325459
EAN 9781449325459
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2011
Verlag/Hersteller O'Reilly Media
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
38,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

When the Stuxnet computer worm damaged the Iranian nuclear program in 2010, the public got a small glimpse into modern cyber warfare-without truly realizing the scope of this global conflict. Inside Cyber Warfare provides fascinating and disturbing details on how nations, groups, and individuals throughout the world increasingly rely on Internet attacks to gain military, political, and economic advantages over their adversaries.
This updated second edition takes a detailed look at the complex domain of cyberspace, and the players and strategies involved. You-ll discover how sophisticated hackers working on behalf of states or organized crime patiently play a high-stakes game that could target anyone, regardless of affiliation or nationality.
Discover how Russian investment in social networks benefits the Kremlin
Learn the role of social networks in fomenting revolution in the Middle East and Northern Africa
Explore the rise of...


Jeffrey Carr (CEO, Taia Global, Inc.) is the author of "Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld" (O'Reilly Media 2009) and the founder and CEO of Taia Global, Inc., a boutique security consulting firm for Global 2000 companies. His book has been endorsed by General Chilton, former Commander USSTRATCOM and he has had the privilege of speaking at the US Army War College, Air Force Institute of Technology, Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Study Group and at over 60 conferences and seminars. His firm provides specialized cybersecurity services to a select group of companies and their executives in the defense, technology, and communication sectors world-wide.

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