Morning Star, Midnight Sun - Jeffrey Cox

Jeffrey Cox

Morning Star, Midnight Sun

The Early Guadalcanal-Solomons Campaign of World War II August-October 1942. 1. Auflage. Non-illustrated with 3 mono plate sections. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 20.
pdf eBook , 448 Seiten
ISBN 147282640X
EAN 9781472826404
Veröffentlicht Februar 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Osprey Publishing

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A comprehensive and dramatic re-telling of the Guadalcanal and Solomons naval campaign - the daring Allied offensive to protect Australia and the South Pacific from Japanese invasion.
Following the disastrous Java Sea campaign, the Allies went on the offensive in the Pacific in a desperate attempt to halt the Japanese forces that were rampaging across the region. With the conquest of Australia a very real possibility, the stakes were high. Their target: the Japanese-held Solomon Islands, in particular the southern island of Guadalcanal.
Hamstrung by arcane pre-war thinking and a bureaucratic mind-set, the US Navy had to adapt on the fly in order to compete with the mighty Imperial Japanese Navy, whose ingenuity and creativity thus far had fostered the creation of its Pacific empire. Starting with the amphibious assault on Savo Island, the campaign turned into an attritional struggle where the evenly matched foes sought to grind out a victory.
Following on from his hugely successful book Rising Sun, Falling Skies, Jeffrey R. Cox tells the gripping story of the first Allied offensive of the Pacific War, as they sought to prevent Japan from cutting off Australia and regaining dominance in the Pacific.


Jeffrey R. Cox is a litigation attorney and an independent military historian specializing in World War II, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome. His first interest was in the Pacific War, which he has studied for more than 30 years. A student of history, international affairs, and defence policy for most of his life, Cox holds a degree in National Security Policy Studies from The Ohio State University and a doctorate of jurisprudence from Indiana University School of Law. He is a contributor to Military History Online ( and resides in Indiana.


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