Jennifer Quintenz

Thrall: A Dark YA Urban Fantasy (Daughters of Lilith Paranormal Thrillers, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9781513060941
Veröffentlicht Juni 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Secret Tree Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Welcome to Braedyn Murphy's life. She's a typical-if shy-sophomore navigating the slings and arrows of high school life with her two best friends, Royal and Cassie. Then a new boy, Lucas, moves into the house next door, and Braedyn finds herself falling in love for the first time.
But Braedyn's normal life comes crashing down around her ears when she learns she's a descendent of Lilith, the mother of all demons - and that she might play a critical role in an ancient war between the Sons of Adam and the Daughters of Lilith. Turns out the right answers aren't always clear or easy. And as for "good" and "evil" - it all depends on how you choose to act.
Inspired by the ancient Mesopotamian myths of Lilith and her offspring, Thrall explores first love, strong friendships, and taking on adult responsibilities against the backdrop of powerful supernatural forces and life-and-death stakes.
Praise for Thrall
"Before you even start this review, put down anything you are doing and go read Thrall. It's AMAZING! BREATHTAKING! Engaging and smart, Thrall leaves you speechless!"
- Savannah, Books With Bite
"How do I even begin to put all the crazy, gushy, ramblings in my brain about this book onto paper?!? Where to even begin?....This book is a MUST read!"
- Hooked In A Book review
"This was a terrific read! After I finished this book (at 2:00 AM on a work night) I immediately went in search for more from this author. I hope to see more from her soon!"
- Wynnona, review


Originally from New Mexico (and still suffering from Hatch green chile withdrawal), Jenn is the author of the award-winning DAUGHTERS OF LILITH paranormal thriller YA novels. Outside of writing books, Jenn has penned projects for TV (including MTV's TEEN WOLF), graphic novels (THE RED STAR, THE BOND OF SAINT MARCEL), and film (most recently adapting Erica O'Rourke's novel DISSONANCE for the big screen). Jenn currently lives in California with her husband and sons, and is realizing a life-long dream of growing actual real live avocados in her backyard. No guacamole yet--but she lives in hope.

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